Posted by AnduoGames - April 16th, 2020
Heya everyone! We're giving away 10 free Steam keys in celebration of our upcoming release to Steam!
Check out this tweet for more information!
Posted by AnduoGames - January 8th, 2020
We’ve got a continuation of the Peitho storyline and a bunch of new pinups in this quick
little release coming out of the holidays!
We’ve got a large amount of lewd imagery being added in this release, three pinups,
seven CG sets (one of which is fully animated, and lots of new h-scenes and story to
show them off! Hope you all enjoy!
Posted by AnduoGames - December 10th, 2019
We’ve got a large amount of lewd imagery being added in this release, three pinups, seven CG sets (one of which is fully animated, and lots of new h-scenes and story to show them off!
Hope you all enjoy!
This release contains a big overhaul of the gallery that includes a character viewer, pinup fragments that you can collect in different areas of the game to unlock new pinups from different artists, an overhaul of Carceburg’s environment art, and a fully animated CG replacement for the reverse cowgirl CG!
Posted by AnduoGames - October 7th, 2019
From now until the end of Spooktober (November 1st) we’ve got a nice slice of Halloween content for patrons to enjoy!
The public version (0.15.0) will also be enjoying this new Halloween content starting on October 20th so everyone gets to be spooked this month!
This month we’ve got a slice of main story content to finish off the sublevel two storyline, and we’ve also got some juicy new townhall content for you to enjoy with one hand!
Posted by AnduoGames - September 11th, 2019
We just put out this week's Anduo Report! Check it out if you want a look at the current state of development for Rosas are Red and Third Crisis!
Here's a little peek at what's inside!
Posted by AnduoGames - June 9th, 2019
Heya all!
We’ve got a bugfix patch for both the public version and the patron version of the game
(0.11.3-r / 0.12.1-pr)! This should fix a lot of the softlocks that people have been
experiencing, and it also includes quite a few overhauls to previous content with a focus
on improving clarity.